Where did my passion for travel come from? My childhood is filled with memories of my father bringing me back souvenirs of distant lands. I remember being lit up by the thought of visiting ancient sites, in fact, I wanted to be an archeologist, eventually, that dream faded. But my love for ancient sites only grew with time! Right around the time I graduated college, the call grew louder. Archeologist or not I had to go! I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, but I knew I had to go.
So I went, to as many places as I could! There I found deep inner healing, before I could heal anyone else, I had to heal myself and I did for years. I held on tightly to the pieces of light that were gifted to me during such a dark time. Each time I visited these sites, I felt lit up again, my higher self had recognized our purpose, as I was down here in the physical aimlessly searching.
The codes I received at these sites remained dormant in my body until I was ready to activate them. Slowly, I started remembering what I was meant to do. I was a grid worker! I just didn’t understand it with my mind yet, I understood it with my body. I felt source, I felt grounded, and I felt complete on these leylines. As I deepened my meditation practice I was taken back to these ancient sites I visited and was able to see these places for what they were, portals between worlds.
As I began to understand quantum creation more I understood why I had to visit these sites. My younger self’s job was to establish the connection in the body, and when I was ready a future me would connect my body with my mind. Now that my mind and body are connected to these sites, I am able to visit these places in meditation easier as I help raise our collective consciousness.
Deep down I always knew I had a mission but I never knew how to get there. The more I tried to understand it the more confused I became, but the confusion was never real. Source was preparing me for the moment I remembered I have done this before. When the grid calls… you answer! It doesn’t have to make sense right away. Understanding often requires time to integrate.